dijous, 7 d’abril del 2011

coming soon

"Giants de La Patum"

"Catalonia is a country between Spain, France, the Pyrenees and Mediterranean Sea, and it has been a crossroad of many different cultures: Iberians, Phoenicians, Romans, Goths, Muslims. All of these different nations have left something to us. So our folk music is a mix between this old cultural inheritance and all of the new popular musics that had come from Europe during XIX century.

In this masterclass I want to explain you the different kinds of traditional/folk music, the instruments and also this dances or performances that had helped to keep the tradition, and why not, learn some tunes and songs. So please, bring your instruments "

Human Towers: "Castellers de Sants, 3d9f a Barcelona"

Folk Dance

Old Dance: Cercolets from Igualada

Next Wednesday 13 of April, Folkdepartment at 15.00

4 comentaris:

  1. Ja t'ho vaig dir, i insisteixo, no és correcte que utilitzis la paraula víkings per referir-te als Visigots/ Gots, encara que el seu origen primordial fós al sud de la peninsula escandinava. Quan van arribar a la peninsula ibèrica encara no havia començat la era vikinga, pertant, no tenen els mateixos elements si bé, partien del mateix origen cultural. Canvia lo de víkings per "Goths" i quedaràs com un senyor.

  2. ¿els finlandesos han vist l'afoto del 3x9 dels castellers de sants?
